
We came home from running some errands recently to find Ed and Mary (the kind, generous owners of the house on loan to us) filling our front yard planter with an amazing selection of succulents.
(Ed and Mary don't even understand how hip they are.)

Selma had a close encounter with one of the succulents yesterday.
no worries, though.
she's good.

speaking of worries, (seamless transition)
Sometimes I get so consumed with my own fears and hurts,
that I forget that people all around me
hurt too.

It's horrendous, I know.

So this week, my desire is that I would be attentive to the world around me;
that I would talk less about myself.
That I would ask better questions
and listen more keenly;
and that my prayers would be filled with the needs of others; not just my own.

do you have a hurt or a fear this week? can I pray for you?
send me an email,
or give me a call.


I don't know why

first off: thanks to the seven people who checked my blog this week; you're awesome.

next on the agenda:

We went for a walk tonight. I thought about my blog as we walked; I thought about why I haven't been writing. I'm not entirely sure why.

Maybe because the path before us has often seemed confusing;

maybe because sometimes I feel too overwhelmed to write;

maybe because God has placed sweet friends in our lives during this season of life and our nights are often spent with them - - talking and listening and wrestling through life together over good food, a cup of coffee, or a game of cards.

it's been a good time of pause.


I think I will start up again;

there are things I want to write about.