My new year has started . . . it has been filled with friends sharing meals in our home, legos on my coffee table, and a bit more fear and anger in my heart than I'm comfortable with (completely unrelated to the friends and the legos, I assure you.)
I have some ideas of things I would like to implement in this new year; they are vague ideas - swimming around somewhat aimlessly in my heart and mind: I have a new stack of books piled onto my beside table that I'm purposing to read (but that stack may grow or shrink). I have a new chore chart mapped out for my kiddos that I hope will keep us all a bit more disciplined and tidy (but - who knows? I may need to shuffle those chores around). I would like to sign up for a photography class (or maybe I should just sew more; should I sew?)
Amidst my vague propositions for the new year, though, this one is certain: I want to persistently seek the face of my Creator, and to delight in Him.
will shape every moment of every day this year.
It will be a filter for the books I read; it will influence the way I speak to my children when the chore chart isn't adhered to the way I was hoping it would be; it will allow me to me to pursue personal projects for God's glory and not my own.
Seek the face of my Creator, and delight in Him.
This is what I was made for.