
there it is:  the school down the street

We are on the hunt for a school for the kids next year.  Finding the right school is tricky business (but, you probably already know that , huh?)

There is a public school down the street from us.  It actually functions as two schools; there is a school that meets in the morning (from 8am-12:30) and one that meets in the afternoon (from 3:30 -8:00pm). I guess that this school is kind of big deal because it's hard to get into.

We have a friend, though, who works in the preschool branch of this school.
Our friend knows the principal of the afternoon school, so she set up a meeting with us and this Principal.
If the meeting goes well, the principal of the afternoon school will introduce us to the principal of the morning school . . . who will then decide if the school could possibly find a way to squeeze our kiddos into their already bursting classrooms.

We have the initial meeting this afternoon, and I'm hoping it goes well, but I know that God is not absent in all of this . . . and so I am praying too.  I'm thanking Him for caring about the small details of my family's lives, and I'm praying that as we find ourselves caught up in this crazy tangle of favors, that He be the one who opens or closes the door on this one.
(will you pray with me?) 


  1. So _______ (fill in the blank), Igottaguy who knows a guy who can get you....

  2. I'm excited you got an interview. I'm praying!

  3. Praying all goes well. Isn't great that our God even cares about the little details of life. His son's first miracle on earth was at a wedding feast where he turned water into wine.
