
Joshua took this picture of me a couple of weeks ago.
I like it - I look all content (and kind of goofy)
lately, that sums me up pretty well.

I've traveled around the world this month.
I've seen wonderful things and beautiful people . . . shiny, modern buildings and brown rolling fields.
I've loved and been loved;
I've cried out to God and begged him to pour out more grace in the lives of the ones I love . . . and I've rested because I know he's good.
I've snuggled with my friend's children and have smiled to watch them snuggle with my own.
I've eaten well,
and had about a hundred coffees.

see? I have reasons to be content. . .


  1. So good to reflect on God's gifts of joy in our lives.

  2. But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment.--1 Tim. 6:6

    Simply love the way you communicate.
    Warms my heart every time I stop to peruse your blog.
    Praying for you and the family...
    EFCA Communications - Minneapolis

  3. you look like what I imagine beatrix potter to look like...
