
derby and other good things

In Spain, when you get a call from a friend who wants to spend a day together, you might:
oh, maybe visit a castle,
or watch giant, paper mache puppets march through narrow, cobblestone streets
or possibly drive up to France and buy some chocolates and lay on the beach.

In L.A., when a friend calls you to hang out, he may just take you downtown to the Red Bull soapbox derby:
(the city)
(the crowds)
(the awesome costumes and the sweet rides)(the metro)
you know where my mind drifts,
I wonder . . .
when friends in Mexico call us up to spend the day together, where will we go?


note to self: it would be easier if you had been more organized

We leave our little loaned house on Wednesday. And so the marathon re-packing begins; I am sorting everything into piles:
the goodwill pile
the a-friend-might-want-this pile (I mean, after all, I bought that nutmeg at wholefoods for $6.00 and only used it once, surely I can find a friend who will take it for me!)
the it-will-get-to-me-eventually-through-a-visiting-family-member pile
the take-this-right-away-to-Mexico pile
the I-have-no-idea-what-to-do-with-it pile (I hate that pile)


lunch guests of the best kind

We had lunch with the Somervilles yesterday. The Somervilles are the sort of couple that everyone needs to lunch with every once in a while - - they are wise, and gentle, and humble; and they listen with kind, understanding eyes, and make you feel like they could council you to do anything, anything and you would run to do it.

In the course of our conversation, Bob, with both a sigh and twinkle in his eye, said, "I thought that when I got older, I wouldn't have to deal with hurt and personal conflict issues anymore!"

my heart is encouraged. because the Somervilles are still following Jesus; they are still loving the church; they have not grown weary of doing good.
I need that example.

it reminded me of this post by my mama (who says it so much better than I do)


God gave me two

As I went about my tasks this week (doing that important stuff I do) I realized this:

As if having one amazingly hospitable mom wasn't enough,
When I married Joshua,
God gave me a second one.
So here are some ways that Ginny makes hospitality awesome:
1. I've never seen a woman throw a meal together so quickly! I could call her with only 20 minutes notice, and she would have a three course meal (spectacular dessert included) by the time I showed up at her doorstep!
2. If you are my friend, you have probably been invited to stay at her beautiful coastal town home (if you are my friend, and you haven't been invited - - it's only a matter of time . . . )
3. She stocks her kitchen and cupboards with things I like - - stove-top espresso maker, Burt's bees, dark chocolate and Living magazine. yeah. . . . I know!

I've got it good.


day of the mom

(my mother's day - - a sleep in, a sweet morning with the church, sewing time, home videos, and a fierce game of cards with my loves over a cupcake and cappuccino)

Growing up, we never went out to eat for mother's day lunch.
Well, to be quite honest, we never went out for lunch, period (we were a family of ten on the world's smallest teacher's salary, so it only made sense)

I remember smoldering with childish envy on Sunday afternoons as I watched all the church families smile and laugh and load into their cars to go out to eat with all the other rich, happy families - - while we loaded up into our million passenger van and headed home for a boring home cooked meal with whoever mom had invited over for lunch.

so here I sit, twenty years later, so thankful for my mama.
for my mama who never complained about having to cook on those Sunday afternoons;
(even on Mother's day Sundays);
for my mama who modeled cheerful hospitality,
and taught me about the sweet value of loving people in my home!


the list over lunch

we're away for a couple of (glorious) days to celebrate 12 (glorious) years of marriage.
Yesterday we came up off the beach, dusted the sand off our ankles and ordered lunch; over our sandwiches we grabbed a napkin and a pen, dug down deep into our memories and wrote out where we had spent our previous 11 anniversaries. It was surprisingly tricky; we couldn't come up with anniversary destination number 8 until a full twelve hours later. we finally did, though, sooo
Here's what we got:
1. camping (where? I don't know; we just drove west until we found a campground)
2. California Hot Springs (we thought we would find some hot springs; we didn't. we had fun anyways - - that's what happens when you're in love)
3. Fredricksberg, TX. (the cutest bed and breakfast ever)
4. the hospital in Pamplona, Spain (happy birthday, Malachai!)
5. Madrid (because, after all, we lived in Spain)
6. Rome (where we were introduced to the Italian cappuccino - - there is nothing, nothing quite like it anywhere else in the world)
7. Madrid (aaaah, we love Madrid)
8. Jaca, Spain (one of northern Spain's well loved skiing towns)
9. restaurant Tubal, in Tafalla (why yes, the king and queen of Spain have eaten there. . . )
10. Greece (perfect in every way)
11. Idaho (because sometimes, spending your anniversary with your awesome friends in Nampa, Idaho is just right - - especially if your generous in-laws give you their frequent flier miles to get there)
and here we are, year 12.
in California.
where will we be next year?
I wonder . . .