
I was cooking dinner tonight, and Malachai - - who was still doing his homework,  called out from the other room:
"mama! What animal  is white like our skin? "
and then, before I could offer a brilliant suggestion (because I assure you it would have been brilliant), I heard him mutter . . . "oh yeah, a rabbit . . . "

Turns out, he had to write a poem about someone he cares for.
Here it is:

Mi Hermana
Tus labios como una fresa
Tu pelo como una fogata
Tan bella como una flor
Tu piel tan clara como una coneja
Y tan dormida como una golondrina

(a loose translation):

My Sister
Your lips are like a strawberry
Your hair like a bonfire
As beautiful as a flower
Your skin is as fair as a rabbit's
And you are as sleepy as a barn swallow


  1. oh Malachai.
    the bonfire bit is my favorite.
    barn swallow being a close second...

  2. Love it! What a fantastic (and accurate) poet.

  3. I love him. That is a keeper for sure. And i am not usually one to suggest the keeping of papers. But that one, I would keep.

  4. This will make me smile for days!

  5. Malahai, I think that golondrina is a lovely word (sounds almost like ballerina)and to think that your sister sleeps like a golondrina-lovely. (remind her of that when she's 21)
    love, gran
