under my tree: angry birds
the best gift. ever.
born as a man
to carry out the most incredible rescue plan known to mankind.
breathtaking .
We had the loveliest sort of Christmas morning with Jim and Ginny; we had eggs and bacon and fresh squeezed orange juice, and read that amazing story about God becoming man - - in Spanish and then in English (did you know that the Jesus Storybook Bible is finally translated into Spanish? this makes me so happy. I have been doing some shady on-the-spot translating of our english Storybook Bible for the kids for the past few months; I'm glad to have someone else do the translating for me!)
And we spent hours opening our pile of gifts; because gifts must be opened one at a time, and talked about and passed around. I'm convinced that it really is the best way way for a gift to be given and received. I wonder how you open Christmas gifts with your families? please tell me!
Josu strategizes
and just like that - - Josu is five
I'll do better, I promise.
In true Spanish fashion,
she scolded me for not responding to the email
that she sent me 3 months ago.
She told me that the kids had been checking for a reply
every single day.
I deserved a scolding.
in celebration of the bride
Gabrielle tells a funny story,
and I'm pretty sure that the people behind us wish that they were at our table:
Selma is three (and has a party to prove it)
that was fun.
and more work than I anticipated. (Parties are always that way for me; I never seem to be quite prepared enough)
We had "run with a button in your spoon" races. I thought this would be a really good idea - - simple enough for the three year olds at the party . . . and fun enough for the five year olds there. But somehow it went all wrong; one of the five year olds kept cheating, and one of the three year olds kept insisting on getting a different colored button to put in her spoon. There was one four year old who did everything perfectly but she didn't get any credit because everyone else was crying because their buttons kept falling out.
so the race was a tremendous failure; but golly! look how cute all those little ladies are!:
cake and bbq; but not together.
we invited some old friends
and some new friends.
"my girls" Selma calls them.
we're both excited.
So we baked her birthday cake today.
And since I had the oven going already, I decided it was the right time to cook the ribs I had in the fridge.
I bought them last week to make these:
six hours later, when I pulled those bad boys out of the oven
it was too hot in my kitchen to eat them in my kitchen,
so we all carried our plates to the front yard and dined under the stars.
Not that we could see the stars,
but I'm sure they were there; and that was nice.
unmet haircut expectations. and a trip
Josu cried when he realized that his hair wouldn't be straight after the cut.
Malachai freaked out when I cut off the hair in front if his ear; he thinks they are sideburns, and he feels like a man when they grow long.
Tomorrow begins our long awaited trip to Idaho;
while we are there, I am going to:
1: spend long hours talking with my dear friend Evy (who expresses her gift of encouragement in the most marvelous way possible)
2. try to keep my boys and her boys from kicking each other in the face, because I know they are going to want to wrestle and play kung-fu all day long . . . and I know they are going to love it.
4. run a 10k with Evy (who am I kidding? I will probably run half of a 10k and then walk the other half)
3. make Jedi Knight costumes for all the boys in the house.
and then, after Idaho. . . we go to Texas! for Rachel's wedding!
ice cream for breakfast, of course
But I couldn't give them dessert.
the adult dinner table was set;
Catherine's famous blackened chicken was piping hot.
there was not time for a child's dessert.
so I did the only reasonble thing possible:
I promised them ice cream for breakfast the next morning.
we've got it good
1. We had a family date to Starbucks and Trader Joe's
2. Selma wore her purse. (sometimes, when she takes her purse she puts food in it; smart girl)
3. We asked for our small coffees in mugs (did you know you can do that? Yes you can. I think that it's classy and I like that my coffee doesn't end up tasting like paper); our local, friendly Starbucks only had size gigantic mugs; so we got a coffee upgrade - - from small to huge for free.
4. While we drank our giant coffees, Malachai read The Hobbit out loud to us (in Spanish - - clever, clever boy . . . )
5. Our friends Matt and Stephanie are out of town and they asked us to pick up their 20 pound box of organic fruit and vegetables from their co-op. they told us to eat as much of it as we wanted. we may eat it all.
6. We are going over the Pue's house tonight. we are going to hang out with a new cute couple from church and watch Once. And Catherine is going to make us that awesome blackened chicken thing that she is famous for.
we've got it good.
double your running distance . . . just like that. easy.
and I went for a run
not at the same time though.
But I'm not here tonight to tell you how cute Selma is when she wakes up from her nap and eats a pickle (she is cute though; isn't she cute?).
I'm here to tell you how to up your running distance in five easy steps:
1. decide to go for a quick run - - just real quick - - not long at all
2. don't look at a map before you leave
3. convince yourself that the weather is so nice - - you can run just a half a mile more
4. cut across from that one street to that other one that you are pretty sure meets up with that other street
5. turn around and run home. drag yourself up the hill.
just like that.
homeschool with the Smiths
But what if your pj's are your undies?
I stood in line at Joann fabrics on Monday and the woman who attended me at the cash register asked me what I was going to sew with all my miscellaneous fabric items (aren't they good that way? I love it when they ask)
"a princess and the pea doll" I told her.
"sounds cool" she told me
"it's awesome in my head" I said
tomorrow's the big day. I'm off to sew some more mattresses.
five years later . . . Kim
I met her in College.
five years ago, Carol and her family moved away to another state - - far, far away. before she moved, she invited us to her baby girl's birthday party
where I met Kim - - Carol's good friend and co-worker
(fast forward to last month)
I have a friend named Shannon (I love Shannon!)
When we had no place to live last month, she and Steve invited to stay at their place for a bit (risky love, right?)
While we were there, the neighbors across the street invited us to all come over for a swim in their sweet awesome pool.
of course we went
and there was Kim!
I love it when God does that.
the reading and spelling crazies
That kid amazes me.
I picked up his writing class homework this afternoon and read this:
I like: cechin bogs and lesords (translation - "catching bugs and lizards")
and this one:
I like to: plai bascetbal and resol ("play basketball and wressle")
amazing, huh?
How in the world he can be so exposed to so many properly spelled words and be able to reproduce so few of them accurately!?
post script
ok, I just realized that Charlie and the Chocolate factory was actually in Spanish . . . but still . . . he reads enough in english. . . why can't it all just soak in?
post post script
whatever; who am I kidding? I just had to spellcheck like 20 words on this post; he gets it from his mother; there is no cure.
dessert for breakfast
use an almond for a nose
and an apple slice for a smile
and chocolate chips for eyes (and your kids will think that you are giving them dessert for breakfast)
the apple tree yard
"Yes, yes!" our neighbor told us "take the apples!"
and so we did.
I have a huge pile of apples sitting in my kitchen now, and I'm thinking I really should make up a pie or a crisp. does anyone have a recipe that I really must try?
Labor day-o-love
Labor day - - phase 1:
we stayed in our pajamas morning long until I decided to wash some clothes. the washing machine - - lo and behold - - would not fill, so we made a visit to Ed and Mary's place to see if they knew the trick to get it going (Ed and Mary are the generous, kind folk next door who actually own the home we are staying in). Ed came over with his
that was some good love.
Labor day, phase 2:
Matt and Stephanie, and the rest of their bible study group threw a Labor day bar-b-q. . . and they thought to invite us;
of course not;
we're out of the cultural loop these days.
So we were glad to get the invite to someone elses' shindig.
We figured we made out on two accounts:
they provided ALL the hamburgers and we got to meet everyone's neighbors
Josu made out because he got to carry around his very own can of rootbeer (some guys have all the luck, right?)
that was some good love.
Labor day phase 3:
Ryan and Catherine and their girlies came over for dinner and games
and they picked up like half of the key ingredients (for my special dinner for them) at the grocery store on the way over.
and we laughed harder than we've laughed in a long time
that was some good love